As we continue to grow as a company, we’re not only bringing on new customers, but also expanding with existing clients by welcoming more and more users onto the Artemis platform. As such, it’s critical we continuously improve our application. This isn’t always customer facing improvements either. Sometimes we have to improve the way we store data or modernize our programming languages.

When we set out to improve our Zones page in our application, it started as just that. Something that was not customer-facing but was a big improvement to the existing code. After exploring this with customers, we saw how many other opportunities there were by focusing on the zones functionality as well.

Our old Zones page was more of a settings area. It was a place where you could go and add locations, you could see which batches were active in each location, and see the capacity of each location. You couldn’t do much more than that.

By working with our growers, we saw that we could transform this page into a management dashboard for section leaders (or zone leaders) to use to manage their locations. So we kept all the old functionality of the page and added a ton more! Now, section leaders can do far more than just checking out capacity. They can see what tasks are due in the zone and assign or complete tasks. They can see which varieties and batches are active in the zone. We even added a whole new sidebar that summarizes everything happening in each zone. As a zone manager, you want to have a complete handle on all things going on in your zone, and now you can.

Don’t just take it from us. Here’s what one Head of Operations said about the functionality – “The new zones view is a great tool for my section leaders. They can now use this as a dashboard for the specific section they’re managing, understanding what they currently have in that section and the tasks that they need to have their crew complete. The side tool bar is a nice way to see a summary or progress. Previously, my section leaders were toggling between the Production and Tasks tabs and placing filters every time. This has reduced the amount of effort they need to go through to better manage their assigned areas.”

Another operations leader said he felt like a little kid on Christmas Day! And a section leader of a major greens producer said “this is exactly what I want to see.”

We love building features in partnership with customers and the new Zones page is a great example of how we do this. What started out as some small structural improvements ended up becoming a powerful tool for your section leaders and operations teams. And we’re so excited to help you drive efficiency on the farm with all this new functionality.

If you want to learn more about our platform and how we can help you become more efficient, reach out to and one of our reps will get in touch!